NMT Cranes Lift Slugs at Tate Britain
Cranes Lift Slugs at Tate Britain
Cranes are known to be a prevalent part of the construction industry, but mobile cranes have also become an integral part of other industries. You may have seen or heard about the two giant LED slugs that currently surround the outside of the Tate Britain, which were lifted into place by NMT Cranes. The Turner Prize-winning artist Monster Chetwynd designed the slugs for The Tate’s annual winter commission after being inspired by David Attenborough’s 2005 documentary ‘Life in the Undergrowth’. The documentary featured the fascinating mating ritual of leopard slugs that dangle from threads of slime, their bodies glowing blue and glittery.

The Tate Britain Slugs
The sculptures themselves are made up of recyclable materials like hessian and wicker, reaching an impressive 33ft in length each. Their enormous bodies trail glittering energy-efficient blue and white LED lights. The installation came about from Chetwynd’s interest in alternative energy sources, and the possibility that bioluminescence could one day be used to light up buildings and streets. The slugs are stunning to look at and it was a productive job for our expert team.
NMT Cranes & Unusual Rigging
Manoeuvring large products and materials is a specialist job that only the most trained specialists and knowledgeable professionals can undertake. In order for such a project to come to life, there are a number of precise and careful steps which have to be taken, involving a whole crew that is responsible for making the project come to life. NMT Crane Hire assisted with the impressive installation, working with specialist company Unusual Rigging. We used the Bocker AK42/4000, which was the ideal tool for such a job. The gallery will glow with the slugs and light trails until 28 February.

Lifting Specialists
This isn’t the first time NMT has undertaken such a huge and expensive project. NMT Crane Hire has previously worked with another specialist company, Outback Rigging, to install a special one-off Land Rover Defender in Selfridges on Oxford Street as a centrepiece for the menswear department, as well as a Damien Hirst sculpture, said to be worth £5 million. The Land Rover was lifted through the Selfridges first floor windows. NMT used the Liebherr LTC city crane on straight down outriggers for the job.
NMT Crane Hire
NMT is a specialist team that has worked on many impressive lifting projects. If you have a project that requires the assistance of a mobile crane, NMT Crane Hire Ltd can provide a fleet of vehicles that can help you bring the project to life. We are skilled experts with an acclaimed and reputable history of assisting with big-budget projects. Contact us today on 0800 026 6985 or via our online contact form to discuss availabilities.