What is cpa crane hire?
There are two main hire options for any business in need of crane hire services for a project. You can either undertake a CPA Crane Hire or, instead, a CPA Contract Lift. There are advantages to both options, so the choice between the two should be carefully considered. NMT Crane Hire are always on hand to guide you through your options. Here we have given an overview of just what CPA Crane Hire entails.
What does cpa mean?
CPA stands for ‘Construction Plant Hire Association’; this is the terms and conditions that all crane and plant hire companies must adhere to and is in accordance with “The Safe Use of Cranes”, known as BS 7121.
When you hire a crane through CPA Crane Hire the hire company are responsible for the following elements:
– Providing you with a crane that is fully maintained and in a good working condition
– The crane provided must be tested and certified, which should be verifiable by the crane company
– They must also supply for you a crane operator; the crane operator must be fully certified and competent at the task at hand
What is provided with cpa crane hire?
Although CPA Crane Hire supplies you with the above aspects, you must provide the following:
- You will need to organise having the following people on site:
- an Appointed Person who is fully qualified in all aspects of the lifting operation, alongside having the relevant experience and knowledge to complete the job.
- a qualified Crane Supervisor
- a qualified Slinger/Signaller.
– The work must be carried out in accordance with both LOLER 1998 and BS 7121.
– It is your responsibility to make sure that the crane is suitable for the job.
– You must plan and execute the lift in operation with a safe system of work.
– You are responsible for checking the credentials and certifications of both the crane hire company and the crane.
You must also provide all of the Method Statements and Risk Assessments, along with organising insurance cover for all areas of the operation, including loss of or damage to the plant when on site, loss or damage to the lifted goods, covering hire charges should the plant be ‘off the road’ for repairs, and insurance covering Public Liability, operator injury and any other third parties, and also insurance for property damage due to the operation.
CPA Crane Hire gives far more responsibility to the hirer, but is often the preferable budgetary option, especially if the hirer already has many of the above requirements in place. If you’re interested in undertaking a CPA Crane Hire from NMT Crane Hire, take a read of our Terms and Conditions and give us a call today on read the NMT Crane Hire CPA Hire Terms and Conditions and call us today on 0800 026 6985.
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